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Our Story

Reach the Nation Nepal Ministries (RTNNM) seeks to reach Nepalese people—both in Nepal and around the world—for Jesus Christ. As is true in numerous developing countries, many people in Nepal also have urgent physical needs. God is at work in this beautiful and ancient land, and we want to cooperate with Him by mobilizing resources, as well as by sharing information and vision.


RTNNM is registered in the state of Washington as a 501(3)(c) charitable organization. The men and women on our Board have spent many years in Christian ministry, and continue to serve in various capacities.


We challenge the whole Church—all who desire to see men, women, and children come in to relationship with the Lord Jesus—to join us in prayer for the Nepalese people. We also invite you to explore our website, and discover other ways you might participate in this exciting work of God!


Thank you, and may God bless you!


Bashu D. Prasai,

President, RTNNM

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